Sunday, March 25, 2012

Best practise of storing a column which is of string type


Hi I am currently using SQL Server 2005.

Whats the difference between nvarchar & varchar datatypes in SQL server and which is opted best to store strings.


Uma Ramiya

nvarchar is used commonly used to store national characters / unicode characters. so if your front end application accepts unicode characters to be stored to your db then you should use nvarchar. if not use varchar instead

I use ASp.Net 2.0 as front end. In that case what should I use


Uma Ramiya

|||its not dependent on it depends on the localization of your application e.g. does your application can be viewed, transalated and/or accepts inputs with chinese , korean characters, etc. then you should use nvarchar. if you application only stores english characters then use varchar

If you want to store english (latin based) string then you can use varchar.

If you want to store non-english string (ex. Japanese, Hindi, Tamil etc) then you have to use NVarchar.

Nvarchar uses Unicode (which supports all the alphabets/numbers)

Varchar Uses ASCII CODE (which supports only english alphabets/numbers)

Nvarchar each char occupies 2 Byte

Varchar each char occupies 1 Byte

Nvarchar max length in SQL Server 2000 = 4000

Varchar max length in SQL Server 2005 = 8000

If your app supports (or planned to support on future) Globilization/Localization then use the NVarchar

Otherwise Varchar is more enough..

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