Hi I am currently using SQL Server 2005.
Whats the difference between nvarchar & varchar datatypes in SQL server and which is opted best to store strings.
Uma Ramiya
nvarchar is used commonly used to store national characters / unicode characters. so if your front end application accepts unicode characters to be stored to your db then you should use nvarchar. if not use varchar instead|||
I use ASp.Net 2.0 as front end. In that case what should I use
Uma Ramiya
|||its not dependent on asp.net. it depends on the localization of your application e.g. does your asp.net application can be viewed, transalated and/or accepts inputs with chinese , korean characters, etc. then you should use nvarchar. if you application only stores english characters then use varchar|||
If you want to store english (latin based) string then you can use varchar.
If you want to store non-english string (ex. Japanese, Hindi, Tamil etc) then you have to use NVarchar.
Nvarchar uses Unicode (which supports all the alphabets/numbers)
Varchar Uses ASCII CODE (which supports only english alphabets/numbers)
Nvarchar each char occupies 2 Byte
Varchar each char occupies 1 Byte
Nvarchar max length in SQL Server 2000 = 4000
Varchar max length in SQL Server 2005 = 8000
If your app supports (or planned to support on future) Globilization/Localization then use the NVarchar
Otherwise Varchar is more enough..
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