Tuesday, March 27, 2012

Best tool for OLAP browsing in SQL 2005 ?

Hi all,

Although SQL 2005 is well designed database and SQL 2005 AS is a good BI Platform. I have some bad feelings about the client tools taht supoorts these systems.

We use Proclarity 5.2 and 5.3 versions for browsing 2000 AS cubes.

But if i am not wrong, There Proclairty versions do not connect to SQL AS 2005 services. So I should use Proclartiy Analytics Server or 6.3 versions of Proclarity Desktop Professionals.

Additionaly, although we are fully licensed these Procalirty Desktop Professionals. I could not get any support from our country Partner...in TURKEY..

So I want to learn which desktop clients other AS 2005 user have for browsing 2005 cubes.

Microsoft developed a good platform for BI business as SQL 2005 and also had Proclarity for browsing cubes. But previous versions can not use SQL 2005 AS features.

So what is your opinion our solutions for browsing SQL 2005 cubes by front-office desktop users.

I need feasible any suggestions or solutions for my client users.

Thank you for all, kind responses.

ayhan akgun


Try installing AS OLEDB 9 to get your existing ProClarity to connect to Anlaysis Services 2005. You can get it from http://www.microsoft.com/downloads/details.aspx?familyid=50b97994-8453-4998-8226-fa42ec403d17&displaylang=en

Of cource new version of ProClarity is going to have great features to work with new version of Analysis Services but you should definitely try and see if there is lots of things missing with existing ProClarity connecting to AS2005.

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Hi Edward,

Thank you for your quick response. I have downloaded and installed AS OLEDB to my client pc. Unfortunately, i still can not access 2005 analysis services. But if i use version 6.3 Proclarity i can access and browse 2005 cubes.

I get Login failed error while trying to access 2005 cubes by using 5.2.111 version,?

Any suddesions.?




I would suggest you to look also at Excel 2007. From what I heared Microsoft plans even Proclarity to work on top of Excel in the not so distance future. You will see that Excel 2007 has a lot of great features, and you can also use it with Sharepoint and Excel services.

I also compiled a list of known to me Analysis Services clients here: http://www.ssas-info.com/ssas_products.html

Vidas Matelis



It is exactly ok now. Although before installing that package, Proclarity says taht it uses OLEDB 9.0 version. It is exactly wrong.

To be able to connect SQL 2005 AS every Proclarity users must again install new that verison of driver.

Thank you, it is very important point.

Ayhan Akgün|||


ProClarity is now a Microsoft product and so you can get licenses and help direct from them.

Excel 2007 is also really good against SSAS, but is obviously a desktop install.

Finally you can get Reporting services to build reports against the cube but either direclty or by genretaing a report model from the cube (create a connection to the cube in report manager and then from the properties of the connection you can create a model) and then you can use report builder to build ad hoc rpeorts against the cube. This isn't olap of course.

Good Luck

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