Thursday, March 22, 2012

Best practices to transfer data/tables from TEST to LIVE

HI all,
I'm definately a newbie and have what is probably a simple question
but I want to make sure I'm following good practices.
What is the best way to update a LIVE database with data being created
on a TEST/DEV database?
I want to send a few new records I created on a test environment onto
a live environment to a few different tables. It is only a couple
records and could probably manually do it in like 10 minutes. But I
assume eventually I'll have larger qualities of data to move and
tables to update and I don't want to forget to include soemthing.
What is the best way to handle this kind of stuff? Scripts? Any
other suggestions or different ideas?
Kind Regards,
You can achieve your goal scripting or using SSIS; scripting could seem the
simplest way for the job you described, but if you think that the same job
could be reused or subsequently implemented, you can build a package using
Business Intelligence Development Studio (BIDS). For more (really more!)
details, look at the Books on Line "SQL Server Integration Services (SSIS)"
Gilberto Zampatti
"bcap" wrote:

> HI all,
> I'm definately a newbie and have what is probably a simple question
> but I want to make sure I'm following good practices.
> What is the best way to update a LIVE database with data being created
> on a TEST/DEV database?
> I want to send a few new records I created on a test environment onto
> a live environment to a few different tables. It is only a couple
> records and could probably manually do it in like 10 minutes. But I
> assume eventually I'll have larger qualities of data to move and
> tables to update and I don't want to forget to include soemthing.
> What is the best way to handle this kind of stuff? Scripts? Any
> other suggestions or different ideas?
> Kind Regards,
> Ray
|||On Jun 9, 3:24 am, Gilberto Zampatti
<> wrote:
> You can achieve your goal scripting or using SSIS; scripting could seem the
> simplest way for the job you described, but if you think that the same job
> could be reused or subsequently implemented, you can build a package using
> Business Intelligence Development Studio (BIDS). For more (really more!)
> details, look at the Books on Line "SQL Server Integration Services (SSIS)"
> chapter.
> Gilberto Zampatti
> "bcap" wrote:
> - Show quoted text -
Thank you very much!

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