Friday, February 24, 2012

Besides using cursor to iterate one by one, any better solutio

the sencond one: physically, they are different two orders. you may
interprete that a customer reordered exactly what he/she ordered previously.
"Michael C#" wrote:

> Quick question - are these two orders considered the exact same physical
> order, or are they actually 2 different orders that just happen to have th
> same values in the various columns? I.e., In the following:
> Is order 101 a duplicate of order 95, or is it a completely separate order
> which just happens to have the same information in it? Thanks.
> "Andrew" <> wrote in message
>Check out Celko's post - your main problem is that your data is not
I'm still not sure exactly where your ItemPropertyID and ItemPriority
columns fall into the grand scheme of things... Or how your ItemID is
supposed to relate to the ItemExt table... One item on one order can easily
relate to 2, 3, or 100 ItemExt records. What are you trying to accomplish
with that?
"Andrew" <> wrote in message
> the sencond one: physically, they are different two orders. you may
> interprete that a customer reordered exactly what he/she ordered
> previously.

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